Monday, September 10, 2007

Book Selections Update

Hi Book Club Friends,
Deb checked on availability of the books we were interested in for the next months. Perhaps we could do both of these titles. I propose we do this:

October - POPE JOAN

Let me know what you think. Let's make this decision this week so people can get their hands on the book. I will let you know what the consensus is of those who respond. We can just go ahead with the one the most select, if that is ok with all of you.

See you on Sept. 25 for the next book club meeting to discuss, OF MICE AND MEN. We look forward to information on the possibility of attending the play OF MICE AND MEN this fall.

Sincerely, Diane

August Meeting Update

Hi bookclub friends,

Our next bookclub will meet at the Park Grove Library,
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 7-8:30 p.m.,
OF MICE AND MEN, John Steinbeck,
Discussion leader will be Freda.

Our October book selection has not been made. If we can get the book set from the library we will read POPE JOAN. If not we will read THE GOOD EARTH, Pearl Buck. I will let you know as soon as I get the info on the book bag availability.

Stay tuned,


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Where the Bears Are

Neighbors! Have you checked your bird feeders lately?

Bill Bryson and Stephen Katz did not come across many bears on their hike of the Appalachian Trail in A Walk in the Woods. But we have them here!

Check out this link about bears and bird feeders in nearby Afton.