Friday, December 17, 2010

We're Number One!

Results of the 2010 U.S. Census are being released and provide some very interesting findings.

Here are some facts:
  • The great state of Minnesota ranks No. 1 in high school graduation rates. 91% of residents aged 25 or older have the minimum of a high school degree.
  • Our own Washington County ranks No. 1 within the state, boasting a rate of 96% of residents obtaining that diploma.
  • Washington County residents be proud! We are ranked at being the 15th highest in achieving high school diploma status out of more than 3,000 counties nationwide.

Cheers to those hardworking teachers, librarians, parents and grandparents who help instill the love of learning. Kudos to those who continue to read and to learn, and to those who offer others encouragement and support.

See the December 15th article of this news from the Pioneer Press at:,
or view the American Community Survey on the Census Bureau's web site at: .